Subscription to Muteferriqa Ottoman Turkish Discovery Portal

We have subscribed to the Muteferriqa Ottoman Turkish Discovery Portal.

Muteferriqa is an online research portal. It contains an exceptionally rich collection of printed materials published in the Ottoman Empire from the 18th to mid-20th century.

About Muteferriqa: Muteferriqa consists of two main collections: periodicals and books.

  • Periodicals Collection (Hakkı Tarık Us Collection): Approximately 1,500 titles, 96,000 issues, 1 million pages
  • Book Collection (Seyfettin Özege Rare Books Collection): More than 30,000 titles, approximately 6 million pages
  • Both full text and metadata are searchable in Arabic- and Latin-based scripts. For example, to search for the keyword “statue”, they can type “statue” in English, “heykel” in Turkish, or “هيكل” in Ottoman Turkish.
  • Images from both collections can be queried and viewed independently. Images can be searched using visual descriptions or visual category tags regarding the content of the images;
  • Additionally, new images can be discovered based on image similarity.
  • Turkish with Latin letters and English language support can be searched and read in the preferred language.

Muteferriqa can be accessed from the Databases Page.